Let Global Telecom & Technology Help Today!
Most businesses have some type of bandwidth connections for credit card verification, email, online searches, location to location data transfers, procurement, research and a host of other needs. These connections run the gamut from information services such as DSL, Cable, satellite and wireless, to telecom services like T1, DS3, OC3 and Ethernet over Fiber. The new player, with cost vs performance advantages you should consider, is Ethernet over Copper.
Why Ethernet over Copper? First of all, this is a protocol that most closely matches what is running on nearly all networks today. That is, Ethernet. Most other services were designed back in day when voice was king and the public switched telephone network dominated worldwide communications. That’s no longer the case. The world has not only transformed from analog to digital, but has also moved from telephone conversations to email, texting, video downloads and streaming, search and Websites.
GTT Provides over 600 Peering Networks for our clients, which means shorter routes and more cost savings to you! Whether you're in Oklahoma, we can use one of our 800 suppliers to find the right fit for your bandwidth needs or Network Integration!
Contact me at tradd.duggan@gt-t.net at GTT Global Telecom & Technology for more Info 72o-259-5419: Whether you need Wide Area Network Services, price shopping, Dedicated Internet Access (DIA), High Speed Ethernet/BGB or better Peering -we have over 600 and 96 On Net POP's in 46 markets! GTT has a suite of offerings that nobody else has. We can help you choose the best of breed technologies and services from hundreds of telecom carriers - globally in 80 countries - as well as from a suite of our own modular technology and managed services options.

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