by Alfonso Hinton
Two services make up IP Transit. The first being customer routes being advertised to other ISP’s (Internet Service Providers). The other part being advertising routes to other ISP’s. Commonly this is done by the use of default routes or set of routes to everywhere else on the internet. However this is not always the case. This means they are soliciting the outbound traffic from the customer towards the other networks. IP Transit can be explained by the following.
There are some slightly more technical questions you need to ask both yourself and your provider about. You have dual IP stack which is an IPv4 to IPv6 transitional technology that uses the two existing internet protocols in the operating system. One for each of the versions of IP. The implementation may be different for each host, some using a hybrid system while others implementing IPv4 and IPv6 separately. The latter is the more common implementation in modern operating systems on both the server and for an end user.
You may need to consider routing protocols and whether your happy for your route to be pre-defined on where to go using one route. This can be because there is only one route out from the network and thus you go through another router owned by some one else first or for cost reasons. the internets’ core protocol of the internet is called Border Gateway or BGP by holding and updating a table of IP networks or prefixes this is used to designate the availability of a network. By Autonomous system which is a collection of connected IP routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators and so that presents a common and clearly defined routing policy to the internet. The actual BGP is described as a path vector protocol which updates the path information dynamically. Any updates that get looped through the same node are easily detected and discarded and used in some other routing protocols to avoid any count to infinity loops.
You also have peering, which is a voluntary interconnection of separately owned and operated networks for the purpose of exchanging traffic between the customers of each network. The real definition is defined as “sender keeps all” or settlement free, which means the owners of each network will pay the other to exchange data with each other. This ensures that the revenue has to come from their customers. So many companies now inappropriately use the work Peering when they really mean it when payment is involved. As not to cause confusion many people now use the term “settlement free peering” to make sure that no one misunderstands what is being advertised or described.
It is via metro ethernet, that datacentres talk to each other. The internet is a great big collection of independant networks all operating from a set of standards of unique IP addressing and the use of BGP routing. You find that relationships form between networks and so can be placed in three categories. Transit where you make payment to another network to gain internet access. Peer or swap and exchange the traffic for the others customers freely and for a mutual benefit, or finally as a customer where another network pays you to provide them with internet access. A network to beable to reach any other networks on the internet it must sell transit, directly peer with the network, or pay another for network transit and go round the loop until reaching the destination
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